Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Questions from today's (11/16) final projects

Question for Kete:

What is the most interesting thing you found from you food research?

Which food is the 'most disputed'?

What foods do you identify with the most to explain your identity?

What other examples of food in Jerusalem show the conflict? 

1 comment:

  1. The most interesting thing for sure is how similar Israeli and Palestinian food really is; I had no idea before! It just shows how silly this whole thing kind of is.

    To me, it seemed hummus is disputed quite a bit, but not only in Jerusalem, but throughout the region.

    Other foods that show the conflict could be Halva or any of the many desserts/pastries.

    I identify the most with Irish foods, as I said in class, my dad's family is from Ireland, so we take a lot of influence from them (my name is Gaelic for one haha). But things such as soda bread, colcannon, irish stew and thick beers are a few I identify myself with.
