Alex- Your presentation was so interesting! You covered so much information and it was something that I wouldn't have normally looked into because I focus more on the arts than sports. I thought it was really interesting when you discussed how different cultural values can be seen in different soccer styles- for instance how the Brazilian team has a "samba" style and the Germans are more rigid while the Barcelona team represents more than just football, it represents the cry for independence of Catalonia. I was also left speechless by the controversy of Aviram Baruchyan saying he would like to have an Arab play for his team at some point. I couldn't believe he had to make a public apology for trying to not be racist. I was wondering if you researched any other sports and found the same concepts? Even if you didn't research, would you say this idea can translate to all sports or is soccer/football so unique that it is only found there?
Chris- I really enjoyed seeing your presentation as well. I loved all the visuals and the way you put your presi together. I really like seeing the concept of the "underground". Thank you for showing us that video of the Israeli Soldiers, it was fun to see. I was wondering, however, what is the mainstream Palestinian culture? How does it conflict with the underground? Is there a conflict?
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